New Rule in Aged Horse Registry 30th October 2024
All aged event horses at the ABHA National Finals to be mouthed by the ABHA Licensed Dental Equine Veterinary to verify ABHA Proof of Age Form or Registration Certificate prior to commencement of the Event.
New rule for Maturity 30th October 2024
Rollovers: Affiliates have the option to allow a competitor to roll over their time from a divisional barrel race to a Maturity sidepot, provided they are run on the same size course.
New rule for Futurity 30th October 2024
Rollovers: Affiliates have the option to allow a competitor to roll over their time from a divisional barrel race to a non- qualifying Futurity sidepot, provided they are run on the same size course.
Remove Rule 10 Affiliates 30th October 2024
Affiliates are required to issue receipts for any ABHA Membership taken
Amendment to Futurity Rule 7 30th October 2024
That any horse is eligible to enter any ABHA affiliated Futurity event provided the horse meets the age criteria and has been issued an ABHA Aged Horse Registry ID
Add New Rule to Affiliates 30th October 2024
Affiliates are to collect $1 per person/competitor excluding tiny tots, National Finals Levy. Affiliates are permitted to add the $1 to the entry fee. The levy is not to be taken from the affiliate retained percentage. National finals levy to be paid to the ABHA as per rule 8.
Add Aged Horse Registry 30th October 2024
Remove Maturity Rule 7 30th October 2024
Any Maturity with $250 prize money or more will count as a qualifying maturity round for the ABHA Finals.
New Rule added to Maturity: 30th October 2024
That any horse is eligible to enter any ABHA affiliated Maturity event provided the horse meets the age criteria and has been issued an ABHA Aged Horse Registry ID
New Rule Added to Membership: 30th October 2024
Tiny Tot age is 7 and Under. A Tiny Tot must be 7 & under on the day of competition.
New Section added to the Rule Book: Tiny Tot Membership and Events 30th October 2024
ABHA Tiny Tot Membership $10 per year, renewable on 1st January each year.
Tiny Tots events to be run as ‘Non-Competitive’ (No prize money, only equal prizes for all riders)
Tiny Tot’s are to be aged 7 years and under.
When a Tiny Tot turns 8, they will be required to pay a full junior membership. ($60 balance payable from the upgrade of the tiny tot membership) Please contact the ABHA Secretary to organize this.
Any Tiny Tot who wants to compete in a junior divisional or junior aged barrel race, will be required to purchase a full junior membership.
Tiny Tot events to be restricted to 7 Years and under.
Rider must be wearing a Helmet as per Barrel Race Rule No. 26
A Tiny Toy may have 1 leader and 1 handler. If Tiny tot is riding unassisted, 1 handler is permitted in the arena to help guide the rider, whether that be at the horses shoulder or standing in a safe area of the arena talking the rider through the pattern. Handlers will be required to have completed the ABHA online handlers course.
The leader must not be in front of the horse’s shoulder.
Amended Barrel Racing Diagram 30th October 2024
Change from 7.5m to 5.5m from Drum 3 to back fence
Amended Divisional Rules 1: 30th October 2024
Add a 3rd Option:
1st Division– Fastest Time
2nd Division – Fastest Time + .5 seconds
3rd Division – Fastest Time + 1 seconds
4th Division – Fastest Time + 2 seconds
5th Division– Fastest Time + 3 seconds
Amended Divisional Barrel Racing Rule 23, 30th October 2024
Records: to record an official ABHA record, measurements, rules, equipment must be checked, recorded and confirmed by at least two (2) ABHA Senior Members, plus the judge of the event. Official measurements to be recorded, signed by the two (2) members, plus the judge, and sent to the ABHA Office.
Amended Divisional Barrel Racing Rule: 30th October 2024
Remove Hand from Whipping rule 22.
New rule:
Disqualification will occur if more than 2 contacts with equipment from start of run to first barrel.
Disqualification will occur if more than 2 contacts with equipment from barrel 1 to barrel 2 .
Disqualification will occur if more than 2 contacts with equipment from barrel 2 to barrel 3.
Disqualification will occur if more than 4 contacts with equipment from barrel 3 to end of run.
Definition of equipment (object, device) riding crop- over and under whip- quirt, reins. Ruled by the Judge.
Amended Rule: 12th September 2023
That all ABHA events must have at least one manual back up clock and those times from this manual back up clock must be recorded.
That all ABHA events must have a person judging the event.
That any horse is eligible to enter any ABHA affiliated event provided they meet the age criteria for that particular event and can supply a vets certificate confirming the age of the horse.
Maturity events are open to horses aged 7, 8 & 9 years old.
Amended Rule: 9th August 2023
Any Maturity with $250 prize money or more will count as a qualifying maturity round for the ABHA Finals.
Amended Rule: 20th July 2023
Whipping – Disqualification will occur if more than 2 contacts with equipment or hand from start of run to first barrel.
Disqualification will occur if more than 2 contacts with equipment or hand from barrel 1 to barrel 2 .
Disqualification will occur if more than 2 contacts with equipment or hand from barrel 2 to barrel 3.
Disqualification will occur if more than 4 contacts with equipment or hand from barrel 3 to end of run.
Definition of equipment (object, device) riding crop- over and under whip- quirt, reins.
Ruled by the Judge.
Amended Rule: 20th June 2023
Barrel Racing Rule No 31:
If a competitor is to be assisted into the arena the handler must be in full dress attire as per rule 25 (Barrel Race Rules) and must exit the arena at the commencement of the run for safety reasons.
Amended Rule 21st March 2023
Current Rule -
Maturity Events
1. Option to choose one of the following:
Option One: 7 year old horses
Option Two : 7 & 8 year old horses
Option Three: 7,8 & 9 year old horses
2. Can be run over 1, 2 or 3 rounds.
3. Affiliates have the option to allow a competitor to roll over their time from a Maturity event into a divisional barrel race, provided they are run on the same size course.
4. A horse’s age will be calculated based on a year starting 1 August every year (Horses Birthday). For example, a horse born any time between 1 August 2019 and 31 July 2020 turns one (1) year old on 1 August 2020 and so on.
5. All horses entered in the Maturity Event are to ensure that all the correct paperwork for the entered horse is supplied, and the horse is of the correct age as per the ABHA rule book. Registration Papers or the ABHA Proof of Age Form (that has been completed by a vet) are required.
Futurity Events
1. Open to horses 4, 5 and 6 years.
2. Can be run over 1, 2 or 3 rounds.
3. Affiliates have the option to allow a competitor to roll over their time from a futurity event into a divisional barrel race, provided they are run on the same size course.
4. Any Futurity with $500 prize money or more will count as a qualifying Futurity round for the ABHA Finals.
5. A horse’s age will be calculated based on a year starting 1 August every year (Horses Birthday). For example, a horse born any time between 1 August 2019 and 31 July 2020 turns one (1) year old on 1 August 2020 and so on.
Amended Rule -
Maturity Events
1. Option to choose one of the following:
Option One: 7 year old horses
Option Two : 7 & 8 year old horses
Option Three: 7,8 & 9 year old horses
2. Can be run over 1 or 2 rounds.
3. Affiliates have the option to allow a competitor to roll over their time from a Maturity event into a divisional barrel race, provided they are run on the same size course.
4. A horse’s age will be calculated based on a year starting 1 August every year (Horses Birthday). For example, a horse born any time between 1 August 2019 and 31 July 2020 turns one (1) year old on 1 August 2020 and so on.
5. All horses entered in the Maturity Event are to ensure that all the correct paperwork for the entered horse is supplied, and the horse is of the correct age as per the ABHA rule book. Registration Papers or the ABHA Proof of Age Form (that has been completed by a vet) are required.
Futurity Events
1. Open to horses 4, 5 and 6 years.
2. Can be run over 1 or 2 rounds.
3. Affiliates have the option to allow a competitor to roll over their time from a futurity event into a divisional barrel race, provided they are run on the same size course.
4. Any Futurity with $500 prize money or more will count as a qualifying Futurity round for the ABHA Finals.
5. A horse’s age will be calculated based on a year starting 1 August every year (Horses Birthday). For example, a horse born any time between 1 August 2019 and 31 July 2020 turns one (1) year old on 1 August 2020 and so on.
Added 21st March 2023
Affiliates who have never ran a Futurity event since their inception, may apply to the Board of Directors to run a $200 posted prize money Futurity that will count as a National Finals qualifying event. All future Futurity events held will require the $500 posted prize money.
Added 22nd February 2023
Refunds will not be given for any event fee's that have been paid. If an event must postpone due to unforeseen weather circumstances, then a credit note will be issued to the affiliate to reschedule their event at a later date. No refunds will be given for any event application fees.
Affiliates may offer the option for members to change their nominations, however members must advise this before the event commences.
Added Rule 22nd November 2022
ABHA will only endorse, manage or support any complaints, disciplinary action that pertain to the ABHA rule book if these cannot be resolved at affiliate level.
Amended Rule 13th October 2022
2. If an Affiliate has specific ground & event rules for their venue, these rules are required to be submitted to the ABHA Board for approval before the event application is approved.
Affiliates can apply to the ABHA board to run a stand alone Feature event i.e stand alone futurity, open barrel race along with the guidelines/rules and definition criteria.
Amended Rule 15th September 2022
Current Rule - Divisional Barrel races are not to be restricted in any manner and must be open to any rider and any horse. Divisions are determined by a ONE SECOND time bracket.
Amended to - Divisional Barrel races are not to be restricted in any manner and must be open to any rider and any horse. Divisions are determined by the affiliate of either a one second or half second time bracket for the duration of that event.
Ie. Half second Splits
| Ie. One Second Splits
Current Rule - In the divisional barrel race, the purse is split evenly between the divisions.
Amended to - In the divisional barrel race, the purse is split between the divisions choosing either option 1 or option 2.
Option 1.
1D | 100% | 50% | 33% | 25% | 20% | ||
2D | 50% | 33% | 25% | 20% | |||
3D | 33% | 25% | 20% | ||||
4D | 25% | 20% | |||||
5D | 20% | ||||||
100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% |
Option 2.
1D | 100% | 60% | 50% | 35% | 30% | ||
2D | 40% | 30% | 30% | 25% | |||
3D | 20% | 20% | 20% | ||||
4D | 15% | 15% | |||||
5D | 10% | ||||||
100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% |
Amended Rule 30/06/2022
Old Rule 25. Dress rules – Members competing at ABHA affiliated events must wear suitable long sleeved shirt, hat/ current Australian Standard’s helmet, (No Caps) boots and jeans in the arena at all times. They must be neat and presentable.
Rule #25. Dress rules – Dress rules – Members competing at ABHA affiliated events must wear suitable button up long sleeved shirt, western hat/ current Australian Standard’s helmet, (No Caps) boots and jeans in the arena at all times. They must be neat and presentable.
Amended Rule 08/03/2022
1. Option to choose one of the following:
Option One: 7 year old horses
Option Two : 7 & 8 year old horses
Option Three: 7,8 & 9 year old horses
2. Can be run over 1, 2 or 3 rounds.
3. Affiliates have the option to allow a competitor to roll over their time from a Maturity event into a divisional barrel race, provided they are run on the same size course.
4. A horse’s age will be calculated based on a year starting 1 August every year (Horses Birthday). For example, a horse born any time between 1 August 2019 and 31 July 2020 turns one (1) year old on 1 August 2020 and so on.
5. All horses entered in the Maturity Event are to ensure that all the correct paperwork for the entered horse is supplied, and the horse is of the correct age as per the ABHA rule book. Registration Papers or the ABHA Proof of Age Form (that has been completed by a vet) are required.
Futurity Events
1. Open to horses 4, 5 and 6 years.
2. Can be run over 1, 2 or 3 rounds.
3. Affiliates have the option to allow a competitor to roll over their time from a futurity event into a divisional barrel race, provided they are run on the same size course.
4. Any Futurity with $500 prize money or more will count as a qualifying Futurity round for the ABHA Finals.
5. A horse’s age will be calculated based on a year starting 1 August every year (Horses Birthday). For example, a horse born any time between 1 August 2019 and 31 July 2020 turns one (1) year old on 1 August 2020 and so on.
Amended Rule 22/11/21
Futurity Events
1. Open to horses 4, 5 and 6 years.
2. A horse’s age will be calculated based on a year starting 1 August every year (Horses Birthday). For example, a horse born any time between 1 August 2019 and 31 July 2020 turns one (1) year old on 1 August 2020 and so on.
3. Can be run over 1, 2 or 3 rounds.
4. All horses entered in the Futurity Event are to ensure that all the correct paperwork for the entered horse is supplied, and the horse is of the correct age as per the AQHA rule book. Registration Papers or the ABHA Proof of Age Form (that has been completed by a vet) are required.
5. Affiliates have the option to allow a competitor to roll over their time from a futurity event into a divisional barrel race, provided they are run on the same size course.
6. Any Futurity with $500 prize money or more will count as a qualifying futurity round for the ABHA Finals.
ABHA Rule Book Revised 21/7/2021
Old Rule #12 - Turning down a run – When a competitor turns down a run they will be disqualified on that horse for the entire event (i.e.: no round money paid out) except in case of a veterinary certificate or the sighting of an unhealthy horse.
Rule #12. Turning down a run- When a competitor turns down a run they will be disqualified on that horse for the remainder of the event. Any money won prior to the turned down run will be awarded.
Old Rule #19 - Full course – Where a full course can be fitted in the arena it must be marked but cannot exceed maximum measurements. See diagram of Barrel Diagram on Page 7. Where distance must be reduced to suit the arena, barrels must be at least 5 meters from the fence.
Rule #19. Any record attempts must be ran on a marked full course but cannot exceed maximum measurements. See diagram on page 7.
Addition to
No #19b. The stopping distance should be no less than 13.2 meters from finish line to back fence. Special attention must be made to the stopping distance and arena set -up for the safety of horse contestant and arena helpers.
Below statement has been introduced at the beginning on the rule book in the introduction.
If an issue arises that is not covered in the rule book, please use safety, animal welfare and common sense to achieve an outcome.
No #29 Rounds - In a 2-round event where competitor has option of 1 run only, all competitors must run in first round before any second runs are taken. If pre-arranged due to certain factors contestant with 1 run option could take their run in second round, to be determined by affiliate.
No #30. Draws to be adhered to and contestant must make an effort to know their position in the draw and be ready when called.
ABHA Rule Book Revised 1/07/2021
Barrel Racing rules
Old Rule #3 - Illegal pattern – Competitors will be disqualified for not following the pattern or not being ready when name is called. Touching the barrel is permitted.
Rule # 3. - Illegal pattern -Competitors will be disqualified for not following the pattern, consisting of a cloverleaf pattern, consisting of one right and two left turns, or vice versa. Touching the barrel is permitted by horse or competitor.
No 3.B - Addition info -Not following the clover-leaf pattern will receive a no time. A broken pattern shall be defined as breaking their forward motion to retrace their tracks to finish the pattern and /or passing the plane of the barrel on the offside. Example: Should a contestant run by a barrel and must back up or turn around to retrace their tracks, this would be considered a broken pattern.
Old Rule #5 - Score line – Thestarting and finishing line and the position for the barrels must be markedpermanently for the entire contest. The time starts when horses’ nose passesthe score line both ways
Rule # 5 - The starting and finishing line and the position for the barrels must be marked permanently for the entire contest. The time starts and finishes when horses’ nose passes between the two timers.
Old Rules #6 - Line position – The starting and finishing line must be in line with the first and second drums.
Rule # 6 - Line Position- The starting and finishing line must be parallel with the first and second barrels. The starting line is defined as the plane across the entire arena, fence to fence regardless of the position of the electric/manual timers. Crossing the start/finish line any time before horse breaks electric eye /manual timers to start run will result in a no time.
NO 6.B - If horse re crosses starting line at any time before the pattern is completed, pattern will be considered broken, and run will receive a no time.
Old Rule # 9 - Time set for re-run – Should this happen competitors and judges should be notified, judges and arena directors will set time for re-run.
Rule # 9 - If electric eye and back up times are missed in a divisional event. Contestant shall be granted a re -run with no penalties. When re-run is given, time will be set by the judge and the section will run in the order originally draw. In a non-divisional event if all times are missed a contestant shall be granted a re-run at a time designated by the judge plus any penalties. If the barrel race is moved, postponed or re-run for safety reasons due to ground conditions re-runs will be penalty free. No re-runs will be given due to faulty or broken equipment used by the competitor.
Old Rule #10 - Drums – Drums must be 44 gallon size (empty) and be closed at both ends.
Rule #10 - Barrels -Brightly coloured 200-litre empty, light metal barrels with both ends enclosed, there will be no rubber or plastic barrels, or barrel pads used. When setting barrels on the Markers, centre of barrel shall be positioned over where marker comes out of the ground. If barrel covers are used, they should be used in all the rounds of that event. Arena signage should remain in place for entire event. Barrel must be set back on marker if moved by a horse or competitor in a run.
Old Rule # 11 - Vet/Visual out – If a competitor desires to withdraw for any reason, e.g.: veterinary certificate, the decision will be left to the discretion of the Board of Directors.
Rule # 11 - Vet/Visual out -If a competitor desires to withdraw for any reason e.g. veterinary /injury the decision and process will be left to the discretion of the Affiliate.
Revised 10/5/2021
Old Rule #8
Affiliates must have all paperwork and monies owed to the ABHA to the secretary within 21 days of the said event, should this not occur, any events approved will be cancelled and no other events approved until this has been received.
Amended Rule #8 10/5/21
Affiliates must have all paperwork and monies owed to the ABHA to the secretary within 7 days of the said event, should this not occur, any events approved will be cancelled and no other events approved until this has been received.
Old Rule #22
Whipping – More than two whips between entry and 1st drum, more than two whips between barrels and four whips coming home, or more than two contacts between entry and first drum, more than two contacts between drums and four contacts coming home with an over and under will result in disqualification. Ruled by Judge.
Amended Rule #22 10/5/21
Disqualification will occur if more than 2 contacts with equipment from start of run to first barrel.
Disqualification will occur if more than 2 contacts with equipment from barrel 1 to barrel 2 .
Disqualification will occur if more than 2 contacts with equipment from barrel 2 to barrel 3.
Disqualification will occur if more than 4 contacts with equipment from barrel 3 to end of run.
Definition of equipment (object, device) riding crop- over and under whip- quirt, reins.
Ruled by the Judge.
1. Affiliates can only retain a maximum of 30% of the entry fee to cover club expenses, trophies and administration fees.
Any Event with a minimum of $300.00 posted prize money, (including juniors) affiliates can retain up to 40% of the entry fee.
*Please note affliates can retain a lower % if they wish.
1. Open to horses 4, 5 and 6 years.
2. Can be run over 1, 2 or 3 rounds.
3. Affiliates have the option to allow a competitor to roll over their time from a classic event into a divisional barrel race, provided they are run on the same size course.
4. Any Classic with $500 prize money or more will count as a qualifying classic round for the ABHA Finals.
5. A horse’s age will be calculated based on a year starting 1 August every year (Horses Birthday). For example, a horse born any time between 1 August 2019 and 31 July 2020 turns one (1) year old on 1 August 2020 and so on.
Rule 25 - Dress rules – Members competing at ABHA affiliated events must wear suitable long sleeved shirt, hat/ current Australian Standard’s helmet, (No Caps) boots and jeans in the arena at all times. They must be neat and presentable.
Rule 26 - Safety helmets – Junior or juvenile competitors under 18 years of age, must wear a Current Australian Standard’s approved helmet with the chin strap securely fastened when mounted and competing. Adult members that choose to wear a helmet must wear a Current Australian Standard’s approved helmet.
Helmets worn must conform with one of the current approved safety standards:
· Current Australian standard AS/NZ 3838 (2006 onwards) provided they are SAI global marked.
· Current American standards ASTM FI163 (2004a or 04a onwards) provided they are SEI marked, or SNELL E2001.
· Current British standard PAS 015 (1998 or 2011) provided they are BSI Kitemarked.
· Interim European Standard VGI (01.040: 2014-12) with or without BSI Kitemark.
Note *All competitors in junior events must wear Current Australian Standards approved helmet.
Rule No 6.
Membership categories:
*Day memberships will be limited to 3 affiliated days per calendar year. Full ABHA membership fee will be required to be paid regardless of the number of day memberships paid should the member wish to take out a full ABHA membership. Day membership will not entitle the member to a qualifying event for the National Finals and will not qualify rider for club end of year awards for events competed at under a day membership
**Non-Competing membership is a non-riding person over 18 years of age.
***Life members wishing to compete must sign the ABHA Waiver form each membership year.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact a director near you.
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