Affiliate Information


It is the aim of the ABHA to provide safe and affordable Barrel Racing Competitions and Clinics for its members, and to provide an information center for members and the general public on all matters pertaining to ABHA approved events.

ABHA History

The Australian Barrel Horse Association was formed in 1996, following the realization that there was a need for an Association in Australia which would cater for male and females of all ages to attend Barrel Racing competitions and clinics as well as to enable groups of people interested in running events, with public liability insurance available at an affordable cost.

Insurance & Incorporation

In the year of its formation the ABHA became an incorporated body (incorporation number Y2378311).

In 2009 the ABHA became a stand alone association with respect to insurance. Independent Public Liability to the value of $20 million is held through Affinity Insurance.

ABHA fund insurance through the memberships and affiliations that are received each year.

The ABHA now has Personal Accident Cover included in their membership, including day membership. It is of utmost importance that competitors and participants complete their membership in full which includes signing the Waiver of Liability. If these forms are not signed, you, your office bearers and your members may be placed at risk.

There is a $1500.00 excess for any incident that becomes a Public Liability Claim.  This is payable by the user group of the event at which the Claim originated.

Affiliates will be provided with a copy of the current Certificate of Currency once they have paid their Event Application Fee ($11.00) and lodged their paperwork with the Secretary.

Affiliation Fees

Application Fee:           
$33.00 per event (to accompany your Event Application Form)

$ 3.00 per Entrant (to be paid within 21 days of the event, accompanied by an event summary form and any memberships taken on the day)

$110.00 Application Fee (to accompany your Event Application Form)
$3.00 Per Participant (to be paid within 14 days of the event, accompanied by an event   summary form and any memberships taken on the day)

What you can run, what does it cost and how do you become an ABHA Affiliate?

Affiliates may run any combination of barrel racing competitions at an event so long as they include a multi-divisional barrel race. They can choose to run any event that suits their membership base, such as Novice horse or rider, Golden Oldies etc.

We suggest you run a standard Jackpot day with the following events:

Divisional Barrel Race – The number of Divisions can be decided depending on your number of entries or you may set the number of divisions before your event.

For example: 1 - 10 entries: 1D paying 4 places. 10 – 20 entries: 2D paying 4 places in both Divisions, 20 or more entries: 3D or 4D paying 4 places in each division.

Juniors These can be run under a Divisional format or split into age groups.

Exhibitions The ABHA encourages Affiliates to run exhibitions (practice runs) before the start of their events and/or after. The ABHA advises that Affiliates charge between $3 - $7 per exhibition, and that the exhibitions are timed for the benefit of competitors. Exhibitions are a great training aid for young and older horses and also new and seasoned competitors.

ABHA also promotes and runs the Classic Event for horses 4, 5 & 6 yr’s old and currently holds Classic Qualifying events in most states to qualify for the Patsie Holder Memorial Classic event held at the National Finals each year.  If you are interested in holding a qualifying Classic  round please contact the ABHA.

Thank you for your interest in affiliating with the Australian Barrel Horse Association. If you would like to apply to affiliate with the ABHA, please click the links below and download a copy of our Affilition Application and Risk Matrix forms. Once you have completed these forms, please post, email or fax to the ABHA Office for the boards approval.


  Biolink Opti-Gut
Jaralea Western Show Attire
    Circle L
 Seven Saddle
   Katie B

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